Flyers: Punk Rock & Then Some (1981 - 2006)
While it's still very much a work in progress, I thought a few folks might enjoy seeing what I've scanned in from my collection of (real, physical, paper -- I ignored digital versions even if I created them) flyers. As it turns out there are actually a few more to come (I just found another small pile), but this is easily the lion's share.
My history with these things is pretty casual/ non-obsessive really. I'm not sure why exactly, but I started grabbing them off of utility poles & record store counters when I was around 10 or 11 years old, then securing them all over my bedroom walls with a wretched substance called "Fun-Tak" (you'll see a lot of oily corner spots as a result). Around 1985 I started making them myself (both because I loved the music so much and because it got me in to the shows for free) and this early design work, along with the little photocopied Punk Rock 'zine I was doing at the time, were most certainly my entry points into the world of graphics -- the field in which I work today.
Of course like most folks who've gotten bit by the Punk Rock bug, these flyers represent a mere fraction of the time I've spent in loud dark rooms (though I didn't see every single show pictured here either), but I'm still both happy and amazed that I've somehow held on to as many as I have. Hope you have fun checking 'em out!

Flyers (1981 - 2006)
Wow, your definition of "non obsessive" is obviously a lot more broad than mine! That's a huge collection and a huge project. very cool to see all the awesome gigs too, can't wait to hear more of the live tapes you have in store!
thanks man!
1/02/2008 8:04 PM
Please post scans of your fanzine!
1/03/2008 9:34 AM
This is awesome, Jason! My wife and I were recently going through her collection of old flyers (mid 80s) from the Boston punk scene. Very impressive collection you have!
Mike H
1/03/2008 1:41 PM
Hey Jason, thanks for checking out my Nitegaunt blog. Loved those flyers. I left a comment after yours. BTW, how bout giving me a link here?
1/04/2008 7:26 AM
Hi, yesterday I found one of your posts in which you posted some recordings of Vincent Price reading Poe's poems and short stories. I really never thought I'd find such a thing. I'm surprise, thank you very much.
I downloaded the first file, but I couldn't, however, download the second one (the one of the poems) could you please tell me where can I get it? Or why is that I couldn't download the file of the poems?(Actually right now I cant download neither of them)
I hope I'm not bothering you too much.
Thank you very much for your help and for the generosity you've shown by putting this things on everyone's reach.
1/06/2008 7:23 PM
Nice old stubs from the original 9:30 and flyers from RKL and DRI, I wish I could see those shows now! Nice collection.
1/07/2008 8:22 PM
Very cool stuff! Check out my blog when you can.
1/11/2008 8:49 AM
Hiya; for Raven... As far as getting the Vincent Price stuff-- A few of us had some trouble getting Jason's files when we had our anti-virus & firewall settings set to browse 'anonymously'... there's some security in place to keep people from 'hotlinking' But if that's not the problem I think you can at least get those great Vincent Price albums from here:
1/11/2008 6:23 PM
Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Please feel welcome to visit my blog any time you like, and off course, to comment as well.
1/15/2008 11:00 PM
Jason, I was wondering how you did the post with all of the horror album covers together making them links to the various posts. I want to do that with Manson Music. Hit me back with a comment on the first post on MM if you can help. Thanx!
1/16/2008 1:50 PM
Since you've influenced me to open a blogger site, I decided to attempt to take some photos of my crazy collection of stuff. Here's the first of the bunch!
2/02/2008 7:57 AM
completely off topic here:
thought you might like to read his stuff on early comic artists.
2/02/2008 11:51 AM
nice, i have a boatload from around 84 to 1990 when i was "hardcore"... please take a swing by the devils music & if you like anything going on over there maybe a link up? Cheers!
2/18/2008 1:25 PM
Wow, what a collection! Makes me want to dig through the boxes in my mother's garage to see what I still have stashed there.
6/07/2008 6:58 AM
What's happened to so many of your shares that now say "Link Removed"
6/14/2008 9:15 PM
it's JULY and your blog has only one single entry for hte entire year!
What the damn is wrong with you, boy?
7/14/2008 9:30 AM
Great flyers. I used to do the same thing in Madison WI in the early 80's. Amazing what they did without the aid of computers. I used to trade them with people from other cities, and have quite a few from Los Angeles. Your posting makes me glad I've kept them all these years.
7/27/2008 7:50 AM
Hello again Jason. I wanted to invite you and your readers to my new social network that I have created. It's similar in appearance to myspace (minus all the hormone-crazed teenagers), but it is intended to serve as a hangout for artists, musicians, and music lovers. I have also included a forum category for music bloggers such as yourself to promote their blogs and share updates. If you are interested, here is the url:
I hope to see you there. Take care.
7/31/2008 3:16 PM
Very cool. I have a request. I'm a big Hitchcock fan and would LOVE it if you could reup- Alfred Hitchcock "Music To Be Murdered By" (Imperial, LP-9052, 1958), "Ghost Stories For Young People" (Golden, LP-89, 1960). Please, please, pretty please with a sugamamma on top?
8/15/2008 6:51 PM
I have a request:
Could you please re-post
"Monster Dance Party"?
9/24/2008 11:52 PM
Hey Picklehead,
Jason can't re-post anything!
THE MAN shut him down because he was making him too nervous!
10/05/2008 8:08 PM
Get a life spammer.
4/03/2009 12:33 PM
Andre said:
"Jason can't re-post anything!
THE MAN shut him down because he was making him too nervous!"
Well, Jason if that's true-- if somebody shut you down for sharing too many albums, so the heck what? You still have pretty cool taste, great sense of humor, and a lot of knowledge of the macabre-- plus you love Halloween! There's no reason you can't keep this blog alive , just to chat with us underlings.
7/18/2009 4:28 PM
Wow.. what a collection ! Really nice flyers.
7/22/2009 1:56 AM
I like the poster
8/06/2009 4:55 AM
I never knew Fells flyers existed until I saw this. Nice stash, Jason!
9/01/2009 5:38 PM
this information was great. when I started reading it I really liked the photo that appears herman monster reminded me of my years as a child!
7/01/2010 6:20 PM
Greetings Jason and readers.
So this is a non-obsessive activity, huh?
Anyway, When I was a child, I also used to collect stuff, no matter what, I just enjoyed collecting. Anyway, I am amazed of watching you masterpiece.
9/10/2010 10:42 AM
I will bookmark this page and have my friends check up here often. I am quite sure they will learn lots of new stuff here than anybody else.
3/05/2011 12:22 AM
That fantastic! realy!It’s great to read such topical writing on the Internet as I have been able to discover here. I agree with most of what is written here and I’ll be coming back to this site again.
5/05/2011 12:20 PM
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