Well, well, well.

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You guys are pretty fucking amazing. So many astounding emails & comments -- I am fully blown away. For real.
Well okay, you win. Since it's quite clear that I've pretty much got to come back for Halloween this year, I'm now on the hunt for a decent hosting situation. Once I've got that together (a few options are in the works) I'll re-up all the old files and then get to work on adding some cool new ones (assuming, that is, that the rest of the increasingly astounding blogs which keep popping up haven't already beaten me to it. It'll be tough, trust me.)
In the meantime I guess I should point out (to any of the fine folks who have emailed me directly & might've missed the links hidden within the comments), that the lion's share of the files I encoded, along with plenty more I wish I had, are actually already being capably hosted on a variety of other super-cool blogs run by some terribly committed people. While I don't have a full list handy, here (off the top of my head) are a couple of good places to check (please feel free to add more in the comments):
Dave's Mostly Ghostly Music Sharing Blaaahhhggg!!!
Cool Kooky Hip and Groovy
And as good as those are I know that if you search a bit you'll find even more are out there as well -- I honestly can't even being to keep up with all the badical new blogs I've seen with even the most casual of searches.
Actually that kinda brings me to another small point I should at least mention: My main goal with this whole Scar Stuff project was really just to get these records back into as common a circulation as possible so that everyone could enjoy them, but during the process of trying to achieve this end I was really wiped out by the sheer volume of new audio that came at me from all angles as a result. So cool!
In fact it strikes me that the obsessive collectors here on the internet have an inborn anxiousness to play against type (read: creepy greedheads using arcane knowledge & rare media as a tool for wielding power over similarly inclined, but less flush, folks) -- in my clicking around I mostly have seen them happy to scattershot a kind of guileless generosity, all of which couldn't make me happier. In fact speaking of generous, if you like the stuff I was posting you probably should check out the Power Records Project Yahoo group -- there are a few people on there who have REALLY set the bar high for friendliness & sharing (Hello Leland Dugger!). Poke around a bit & I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Okay! So I guess now the hunt is on for some place to spend my file-hosting money. Any suggestions while I encode a few LPs & do some research? Thanks for a year of well-wishes & I promise I'll talk to you guys soon!
Welcome back Jason! I just pulled my entire music archive off of DVD and am in the process of sorting through all the tracks I downloaded last year from you and various other sites. Your stuff was such a big hit at parties last year and many are hoping for a repeat performance.
9/06/2007 12:41 AM
Yay! I didn't e-mail you because I only just found out you had stopped posting (I've been away too). THANK YOU for coming back!!! You SO made my Halloween last year, & it would have been too sad without you now that I know how grand you are. ;-)
9/06/2007 7:28 AM
Halloween has begun! Jason's back! I feel like Linus in the pumpkin patch, and the Great pumpkin has arrived! I too have everything from last year, so if you need any help uploading, let me know. I hope you don't mind but while you were gone I borrowed your version of the Monster Mash from your excellent collection,'Spook Party,(2000),' as a background to recreate Boris' rendition from the Shindig Halloween special. It will have to do until the original is found. Check it out on Dave's fantastic site if you have time, and let me know if you need help on anything.
9/06/2007 7:45 AM
So many times, I have almost removed your RSS feed from my Yahoo page, because I just figured you were gone for good, Jason. But thank goodness you've come back, and just in time for Halloween 2007. It's not just the stuff you share, but the background you give on each of the albums, and the fun time you (and your commenters) have on this blog. Welcome back!
9/06/2007 8:37 AM
Yay!!! Welcome back!!! It's great just to hear from you.
9/06/2007 11:03 AM
You just made my day, sir!!
Welcome back, so glad you have risen from the grave as it were! haha
Your site has been such a fantastic playground for me and other Halloween Heads, and this H'ween is gonna be a blast knowing you're back in the saddle!
9/06/2007 4:02 PM
Welcome back Jason, Halloween has just came to my house early this year.
9/06/2007 6:46 PM
Awesome!!! Welcome back!!!
If you remember Jason you once recommended DreamHost to me to host my files. Well the lovely folks there apparently got some heat from who knows where, and shut down my account. So I have been spending the last 4 months trying to re-post every file at my blog (thanks for the mention BTW).
Just 2 days ago I found that MegaUpload has a Premium account with 250 GB of storage for $9.95 a month. Also I had been using ShareBee, but found they are slower than molasses in January uploading files to them, and you can only do one file at a time. MegaUpload's Premium account let's you upload 10 at once. So that is what I will be using from now on. I'm down to the last hand full of Halloween Themed file re-posts at Mostly Ghostly. I had re-shared all of your files there except about 3 or 4 I missed somehow.
Once again, totally stoked that you are back with us. And hope to see what new stuff you have in store for us. Good luck with the server hunt.
9/06/2007 7:25 PM
I am so excited! Been watching this blog forever it seems - always with faith that it would be active again. Thank you!
9/06/2007 8:51 PM
Welcome back Jason. Can't wait to see what you share this year.
9/06/2007 11:38 PM
Welcome back Jason! This is the best Halloween news possible to have Scar Stuff up and active again.
9/07/2007 5:59 AM
I'm so happy to see you back. Thanks for everything in the past and I look forward to reading and listening to all your latest finds! Welcome back.
9/07/2007 8:12 AM
I just want to say,WELCOME BACK MAN!Thanks for that Great New Wallpaper too!
9/07/2007 9:05 AM
HE'S BACK! Hell's yeah! Thank heavens.
9/07/2007 10:00 AM
9/07/2007 2:13 PM
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I love you so much. In a completely not-creepy totally not a stalker way.
9/07/2007 7:19 PM
I just finished doing a little happy dance. I'm truly excited to see which wonderful Halloween music you share this year. Happy dance! Happy dance!
9/07/2007 9:01 PM
Let the good times roll!
9/07/2007 11:08 PM
Scar Stuff reborn - Yay!
9/08/2007 4:24 PM
It's a good thing I kept this blog in my bookmarks, and I'm stoked that you've decided to return for a while. You still officially rock in my book, along with Dave and many other bloggers who unearth all this wonderful lost audio.
As for file storage places, I hate to gripe, but although Megaupload may be good, a person who wants to download a file must enter the little secret code in the edit box. Problem is, those of us who are blind like myself and use screen reading software cannot read the graphic that contains the code. Please consider several places where I like to upload files. My fave is www.filesend.net. You might also try www.divshare.com and www.mihd.net. If you choose Filesend, if you register with a free account. the file size limit jumps from 120 megs to 300 megs, and I'm sure if you go premium that might increase. Not sure what the file expiration times are for those sites, but I tend to prefer rather generous ones. Please do not use Sendspace if you can help it because downloads are about as slow as dial-up.
Thanks always for a wonderful blog.
9/08/2007 11:49 PM
GREAT TO SEE YOU! I'm new, but I hung out here after you'd gone. I'm bloody hyped to see what Halloween 2007 will bring to us Halloweenies. Of course, you're gonna be the top story over at my blog.
9/09/2007 2:17 PM
Great to see you back! Your website was an essential last Halloween!!
9/11/2007 1:34 AM
I feared that your blog was dead forever... glad that I checked back! I think you're truly awesome for all that you've already shared, and I can't wait to see what new you have in store!
9/13/2007 7:50 AM
welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, you were missed.
9/13/2007 2:41 PM
Welcome Back, Jason! I loved the Halloween Safety film!
I'm blogging my stuff again, too over at mrjevil.blogspot.com
I'll be posting this year's Halloween mix there soon.
9/13/2007 4:15 PM
Welcome back! I found yr blog this spring and just about lost it when I saw all the wonderful things you were sharing. Then I just about lost it (in a bad way) when I found that everything was no longer available to DL. Kudos to Dave from Mostly Ghostly (and others) for filling the void. It looks like I'm not the only one who clicked over here regularly to see if you'd return. So glad you're back.
9/16/2007 9:18 AM
AWESOME! i've been waiting forever for new scar stuff. this is a glorious day.
9/17/2007 6:04 PM
Thanks for coming back for Halloween again this year, I can't wait to see what you've got cooking...
I've got my fingers crossed for some Elvira albums!
9/18/2007 7:24 AM
I'm glad to see you back again Jason!!! Now we can kick Halloween season into 5th gear!!
9/19/2007 5:16 AM
Hey, I'm glad you're back too. I randomly was going through some bookmarks a couple of days ago and was shocked and happy to see you came back. Any chance you'll repost the Spook Party compilation? My computer crashed right after I downloaded it and Ghoul-a-rama last year and didn't get a chance to burn it before it was lost. Thanks for the great tunes, and welcome back!
9/21/2007 8:25 AM
Jason welcome back! And just in time for October!
I've been checking back pretty regularly, man was I happy to see a new post today!
9/21/2007 1:12 PM
Hurray! Posting to add to the voices of welcome and cheer to you! Welcome back, guy! Great to see you again. Hey, did you see Calling All Fiends that went up last Halloween in your absence?
9/23/2007 1:32 PM
Hi Jason!
What a surprise! Very very cool. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what 'treats' you have in store for all us kiddies!
Best Wishes From A Super Big Fan!
Rocket From Mars
9/24/2007 10:20 PM
Every month since last Halloween I've been checking your blog to see if it's up yet. Sadly it's just been laying dorment like a corpse in a graveyard...BUT...in true Halloween fashion, the corpse has risen. I'm so glad this blog is back. I downloaded all your records last year and love them.
My favorite thing about that Halloween Safety video your were in, is that no where do they mention that an adult should be with that 8 year old child so she doesn't get kidnapped. Instead it's (Put your child in a costume that's easier to see by the kidnappers).
10/02/2007 10:03 AM
Jason! Has! RETURNED! To! The! Internet!
10/09/2007 11:08 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
10/10/2007 8:45 PM
Like a million other people just said, it wouldn't be Halloween without you. A heavy load, but thanks for carrying it again, pal!
10/10/2007 8:47 PM
Come back you jerk. You can’t create a blog this awesome and then disappear for years on end.
11/04/2018 5:38 AM
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