Apparently reissued in the mid '90's on a
now OOP CD, this Canadian-born Halloween sound effects LP might be exaggerating things a bit when it comes to that "Music and Effects of a Terrifying Nature" subtitle. Things get started off near the right foot with tracks like "Two Headed Monster Devouring Raw Flesh" and "Growling, Snarling, Slobbering Monster In Chains, Maniacal Laughter", but after a brief torture tangent ("Sharpening The Pendulum Axe", "Tightening The Thumbscrew", etc) you'll find that side two is completely taken up with the rather dubious theme of "Hallowe'en in Space" (even their liner notes seem apologetic on this point, claiming that
"Since Hallowe'en is very difficult to define, we found that we were carried away by the space and fantasy feeling that now exists as side 2..."). Now maybe it was thanks to the post-Star Wars world we were all living in, or perhaps the Halloween traditions in Vancouver are more varied than those with which I'm familiar, but
whatever the genesis, the end result is that when the listener drops the needle down here in search of scares, they're treated instead to sonic concepts like "Plutonian Ice Caves", "Cosmic Lunacy", and that ol' Halloween fave "Honing the Light Sabre".
"This is an absolutely horrible record album that no collection should be without"...
"equally useful for professionals and sound and home movie buffs alike". Well hey, fair enough!

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