The Tinkertones with Full Cast and Orchestra Conducted by Warren Vincent "Cricket Toy Tunes Series: Robert The Robot"
A hot robot toy product tie-in & mid 1950's kiddie record rolled into one, this was part of the early wave of boomer cross-marketing that has come to dominate pretty much all forms of consumer media. To shamelessly quote, starting in 1954 Robert the Robot "was manufactured by the Ideal Toy Corporation, of Hollis, New York[...] Robert had good distribution, and was a common fixture in many suburban households during the early days of television. Robert's movement is controlled by a gun-like remote controller, that attaches to his back via a wire. Turning the crank on the controller makes him walk or back up, while squeezing the controller's trigger makes him turn right or left. While moving, his arms swing back and forth and his eyes light up. Robert also features a talking device, controlled by a crank on his back."

Though the "talking device" turned out to be something of a simple miniature record player, this was all pretty futuristic in 1954. Maybe to counter that the record here turns out to be pretty standard kiddie-tune fare; side one is a bit of ad copy regurgitation ("there's a boy I've known for quite a while/ with electric eyes and a neon smile/ personality that warms your soul/ he'll obey what you say by remote control") and side two gives us a little vignette wherein Robert "Saves the Day" by lifting up a fallen tree (thereafter named the "Robert the Robot Oak" due to his efforts). The world domination part obviously came later.
As an added bonus, I've also included an mp3 of Robert saying his little catch phrase ("I am Robert Robot, mechanical man. Ride me and steer me, wherever you can"), and you can currently buy Robert once again if you're so inclined (ebay is lousy with the guy). Might be a smart move if you think any oak trees are likely to collapse in your town square.

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Though the other singer is totally monotone, Robert's voice is sure about as un-robotic on that record as you can get. They should've had the toy sing it!
5/09/2006 4:24 PM
"There's Robby the Robot in his..." some kind of suit. Spike Jones in Stereo. could never make out the words.
Speaking of Robbies, did you ever post Robbie the Werewolf? Probably the same guy that was bootlegging your ghoul compilations seems to be doing it on eBay with this. Was wondering what the album was all about never saw it in a famous monsters back page
6/05/2006 1:42 PM
I just now got around to opening this file you re-shared. For some reason in the Tinkertones Full Cast Folder Track 2 Robert The Robot Saves The Day keeps coming through as an HTML file instead of an MP3. Any clues as to why? Thanks.
2/29/2008 2:26 PM
Jason, do you still have the MP3 for the Robbie the Robot song? I would really love to have it.
11/12/2008 8:53 PM
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